The party's over for Charlie Sheen.

Super Bowl Sunday at the Sheen residence used to be a thing of legend, but not this year. Gone are the girls, the gambling and the booze. TMZ says the star just hung out with a few friends and watched the big game "without all the hubbub that usually comes with a Super Bowl party." More after the jump.

Charlie's reportedly on lockdown since he began rehab. And that also means no more porn stars. The Two and a Half Men actor has been sending out the message in texts to his X-rated pals. One message reads: "Please lose the number, we are closed...please drive through...thank you."

Meanwhile, two porn stars linked to Good-Time Charlie are keeping busy. Kacey Jordan, who got a $30,000 check after his last bender, has just signed on for a GQ magazine photo shoot. Another porn pal, Bree Olson, was arrested Thursday in Fort Wayne, Indiana for drunk driving.

While it seems that everyone is out for the "juicey" story, Kristy Swanson offered these words to Charlie.

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