Each day as I leave work here in Texas I know that no matter what stress has been part of my workday as soon as I walk through my door, I am going to be welcomed home with unconditional love. My dog Cooper will come to me immediately while my older “princess” Gypsy has me trained to come love on her after I say hi to Cooper. She has been there for me for over 10 years and it’s now official she has hit her “Cheeseburger ERA." 

Billy Jenkins
Billy Jenkins

We got the unfortunate news this week that my princess has a Mast Cell Tumor, this cancerous tumor will be removed next week, at that point we will send it off for testing. But we know this removal won't fix everything. It’s difficult to not automatically think the worst when this happens as she has already lived a great long life at around 11-12 now. We aren’t exactly sure her age as we adopted her (actually she adopted us) years ago as a stray in south Texas. 

It’s Not Time to Cry, It’s Time to Spoil Gypsy 

We know that the news is probably not going to be great moving forward, but this is inevitable, so instead of worrying about the future. We are going to try and spoil Gypsy until she crosses the rainbow bridge. I mean she deserves it; she is the Princess. 

Any Suggestions for Making These Moments Special 

We know there is a painful time quickly approaching. But I refuse to dwell on the negative. So, if you knew you didn’t have long with your dog, what would you do to spoil them? Feel free to drop my any suggestions, billy.jenkins@townsquaremedia.com 

And go hug your dogs! 

Pictures of My Sweet Gypsy Dog Growing Older

We got unfortunate news that my (Princess) Gypsy now has cancer. Here are pictures as she was living her best life. But we still have many memories to make...

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Adorable Texas-Themed Dog Costumes

Gallery Credit: Emily Claire

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