Driving a car, truck, passenger van, delivery truck, or 18-wheeler in Dallas, Texas, involves great responsibility.

Anytime someone in Texas sits down behind the steering wheel, presses the brake pedal, starts the vehicle, and puts it into drive, they are accepting a lot of responsibility not only for themselves but the passengers riding along with them.

Drivers in Tyler, Longview, Gilmer, or elsewhere in the state of Texas are expected to know the rules of the road.

There are many rules and laws in Texas, many of which are important to know, but people may have forgotten about or never heard of them. However, ignorance can not be used when it comes to breaking the law.

Most drivers in Texas know that they're breaking the law when they go over the speed limit. Or if they are reading or sending a text while driving (although countless numbers of people do this EVERY TIME they get behind the wheel).

Not wearing their seatbelt or making their passengers wear theirs or they do not obey traffic control devices.

Then there are those laws that are on the books that some Texans aren't familiar with, for instance, passengers are not permitted to occupy a trailer while it is in motion, for example.

There's a good chance that everyone has unintentionally broken one of these laws at a time or two. As long as these strange laws remain on the books, you can technically still be cited for breaking the law -- but there's a good chance the officer involved will only give you a warning unless it warrants a citation.

Let's take a look at four of these laws that could still get you a citation in Texas

Knowing these four things could save you from having to pay a fine for not knowing the law in Texas.

4 Lesser Known Traffic Laws

Most Texas drivers know a majority of the laws when it comes to driving, but some easily slip our minds. Or some that we have simply never heard of.

If Your Landlord Does Any of These 7 Things in Texas, They're Breaking the Law

Not all landlords in Texas are bad. But if they do any of these seven things, they're breaking the law.

Gallery Credit: unsplash.com

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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