Minitank Battlefield near Waco takes Paintball to the Next Level
Dude, this looks like an absolute blast. Just a short drive from East Texas, in Hico, Texas, Northwest of Waco, you will find Minitank Battlefield. You can drive a mini tank that is equipped with a paintball gun. Uh, mini tanks, paintball, pardon my French, but, "Hell yeah!" I'm there.

Dude, I have found the ultimate weekend adventure. Minitank Battlefield was started by Army veteran, Robert Valdez. He put together this collection of mini tanks and battle ready ATV's for your entertainment. It's fairly inexpensive with the many packages available.
- Fury - One hour of play with a minimum of four people for $45 per person.
- Sherman - Two hours of play with a minimum of four people for $50 per person.
- Patton - Three hours of play with a minimum of four people for $60 per person.
- Abram - Four hours of play with a minimum of four people for $70 per person.
- Tank Gunnery Driving Course - You drive and shoot at ten static targets for $20 per person.
This would be the perfect get together for some random fun for you and your friends. This would also be perfect for corporate gatherings, birthdays, bachelor parties, or even, yes ladies, have some mini tank paintball fun for your bachelorette party.
Hey boss, can we do this? It would be fun to shoot a couple of coworkers with some paint, you know, team building. Head over to minitankbattlefield.com for all the details.
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