Now is the Perfect Time to Cultivate ‘Hygge.’ But, WTH is That?
Uh, what?! What on earth is 'hygge?'
Funny word, huh? Pronounced "hoo-guh," hygge is the Danish word to describe the concept of a cozy lifestyle focused on curating contentment, a sense of well-being, and embracing the simple, sweet things and moments of life.
Think of it as a kind of "coziness of the soul."
Isn't that lovely? I see no reason why we can't incorporate a little hygge here in East Texas--especially during this particularly cozy time of year.
Here are some simple ways you can start incorporating hygge in your life right now:
Enjoy a leisurely morning.
Yeah, remember those? When's the last time you got up early enough to simply enjoy the day. Light some candles, savor a cup of coffee while having breakfast in bed. Read. Knit. Write.
Buy flowers for yourself (or someone you love.)
Obviously it's nice to get them from someone else, but there's no reason you can't buy flowers for yourself. You can completely change the vibe of your home simply by having beautiful flowers or greenery on a kitchen island, table, or by your bedside. Try putting some by your child's bed, too.
Make a new recipe from scratch--slowly.
I know, usually we're all so frantic that just slinging food on the table feels like a major accomplishment--and it is. Kudos. However, preparing a meal, slowly, zen-like, with love, can be akin to a spiritual experience. Put on music you love and turn your meal prep into a creative endeavor. Eat by candlelight.
Have an old movie night in front of the fire.
Invite friends over or just enjoy a solo evening watching feel-good films from the past. Hot cocoa, comfy socks, and piles of blankets required.
Have a "screen-free" night and create...something.
If you love to bake, make cookies. Knit? Create something beautiful for someone you love. Write? Sketch? Play music? That part is up to you. The point is to create rather than consume. It could even be as simple as assembling holiday decor in a way that inspires coziness.
I think you're getting the idea. In fact, I bet you could think of some others to add to this list? Please share.
Happy "Hygge-ing" friends.
Another way to imbibe the Hygge spirit? Travel someone nice and cozy. Here's an idea: