Texas--What if we could protect ourselves from hackers by turning our smartphones off? Like--completely off.

We live in an era where smartphones are our constant companions. We get our news, weather, socialization, and more, at least partially, on our smartphones.

But safeguarding our personal data is paramount today. In fact, the National Security Agency (NSA) recommends that we power off our devices at least once per week to enhance our security and protect ourselves from hackers, according to an article from pcworld.com.

Doing regular reboots on our smartphones can make a huge difference.

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How does rebooting our phones weekly protect us? According to PCWorld, regularly restarting our phones can help disrupt unauthorized access attempts and potential malware.

How does this help? 

Well, temporary files and other background processes accumulate while we use our phones. Unfortunately, that can create a vulnerability. By doing a weekly reboot, we clear out these temporary files, which can help close any 'security gaps' that may have developed over the course of our daily use.

turn off smartphone

What other things can we do to bolster mobile security in Texas?

In addition to doing a weekly reboot, the NSA suggests some other practices that may be helpful.

Consider turning off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and even cellular data when you're not using it. This can help prevent security breaches.

As much as we love them, we may want to reconsider public Wi-Fi networks. Why? These can be unsecured and more vulnerable to any would-be cyber attackers.

Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for a connection that is more secure.

As annoying as it can be, make sure you keep your software updated. These updates often include 'patches' to address security vulnerabilities.

Be wary about the apps you install on your phone, especially if they are 'free.' No, they aren't all scammers. However, we all need to be conscious and discerning before giving in to the requested permissions.

In this day and age, we all need to be a bit more careful. These practices can potentially reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and keep you and your personal info safer.

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