Round Rock Senior Living Center Wants Matthew McConaughey
This is so cute. The residents at the Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living are gearing up for their celebrity bingo event to benefit a charity. They are just in need of a host. So the many residents came together to record a video to invite the ultimate Texan, Matthew McConaughey, to spin the cage and call out some winning letter and number combos.
If McConaughey accepts their invite, proceeds will be donated to the charity of his choice according to
The main reason for choosing Matthew McConaughey is the fact that he makes his home in Austin. But also, some of the residents know his mom from her time living in Sun City.
There is no date set for the bingo event as they are hoping Matthew McConaughey accepts and they can plan around his busy schedule. I mean, he is a movie star, and now, a professor at The University of Texas at Austin.
The group is hoping to make their video go viral to get McConaughey's attention. Good luck guys.
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