Well, it turns out you aren't the only person that ruined Thanksgiving this year. I came across tons of people that had big-time problems with their turkeys, pies, sides, and everything in between. Take a look at this collection of 2022's most viral Thanksgiving fails to help soothe the sadness that still lingers among the leftovers in your fridge. Remember, there's always next year!

That turkey definitely shops at Hot Topic.

Yeah. I don't know about that one, man. A few people in the comments seem to think it looks alright, but I'm a bit concerned. It kind of looks like it's been wandering alone in the desert for a month without water. Hard pass.

Turkeys weren't the only ones failing on Thanksgiving. Running is apparently hard too. The day is just rough, overall. Do you need a nap as badly as I do?

How does that even happen???

You have to add water to the pot to make stock. Blast! Foiled again!

This turkey was literally 'seasoned' with mayonnaise. I don't think there is any need to elaborate on what went wrong here.

Um...those rolls need to calm down.

Aww. That one showed some promise, only to be thwarted by faulty equipment. Bummer.

"That's not what the pictures look like online..." Ha. I'm dead.

Oh lordy. Those poor, poor beans.

I bet that was not fun to clean. I'd just light the kitchen on fire and start over.

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