Tacos, Brisket or Chili: Which is the National Food of Texas? New Petition is Aiming for Tacos
With everything that is going on in this world, it's comforting to know that Texas has its priorities. There's a petition on change.org that is trying to change the 'National Food of Texas'. In my experience, most people view brisket as our state food - sometimes chili when done the Texas way (you can keep your beans).
Co-author of The Tacos of Texas Mando Rayo created the petition a week ago and news outlets today have been asking: brisket or tacos? My answer? Brisket tacos, duh.
You can sign the petition at the bottom of the page and if you don't think the taco is the appropriate state food, let us know why. This is a pretty divisive subject so I expect some heated arguments, but at the end of the day we all know that chili, brisket and tacos are all delicious and that Texas does them best.