The school bell is once again about to ring across East Texas bringing school buses back into our morning and afternoon commutes. So now is the perfect time to refresh our self with the school bus and school zone laws.
No matter how you decide to school your kids this year, school buses will be running the roads soon. It's been a longer break than usual, too, because of COVID-19, so we're probably a little rusty on the laws of following a school bus and school zones.
School buses will soon be running again and school zones will be active in the morning and afternoon. It's time to get a reminder of the rules when a bus is flashing red and a zone is flashing yellow.
As kids are getting ready to head back to school, be mindful of the school buses picking up and dropping off the kiddos. It's time to brush up on school zone and school bus safety.
Check this out - a woman drives up on a sidewalk just so she doesn't have to stop for a school bus! But get this - she does it twice in one week. The first time she got away with it, but this time, well, the school bus driver was ready for her. Really lady, really - shame on you!
SHOUT-OUT all school bus drivers! Twenty nine school bus drivers from across the area tested their driving and safety skills at the East Texas Association for Pupil Transportation’s annual School Bus Safety Road-E-O at Robert E. Lee High School last weekend.