We all go through phases of having favorite foods, but for one 17-year-old British girl, it’s gotten a bit out of hand — the teen has eaten almost nothing but McDonald’s chicken nuggets and french fries for the past 15 years.
On Tuesday a cannon ball from firing range in Dublin, CA missed its intended target and hit a residential home -- going all the way through one wall and exiting through another -- a vehicle was reported damaged as well. According to the Alameda Sheriff, the cannonball "took a few unfortunate bounces" during a "Mythbusters" experiment gone awry. (ya think?)
We have all had those days, when nothing is going right. This poor blonde is trying, no struggling to make it to the second floor. You have to give her some kind of props because she was dead set on making it to the top and succeeded.
American parents who are not in favor of immunizing their children are purposely seeking out Chicken Pox infected lollipops to intentionally infect their children with this horrendous disease.
Yes -- crazy people buy lollipops, spit and quit tips that have allegedly been contaminated with someone who has the Chicken Pox in order to expose their children to this disease. Now -- that beyond mess
On Monday morning, Michael A. Davitt, a former New York State employee and known rabblerouser, delayed traffic on the Tappan Zee bridge in Rockland County. As a form of protest, he unfurled a rope ladder from the bridge and sat for hours with a 24-foot banner that accused county officials of a “cover-up.”
Police took custody of a Honolulu couple’s 3-year-old daughter after they were arrested for stealing $10 worth of sandwiches in a local Safeway, even after they offered to pay for the food.
A pizza war was ignited in Florida when a Papa John’s restaurant was burned down by two managers of a nearby Domino’s franchise.
The parents of three children, who gave each of them Nazi names, including Adolf Hitler, have finally lost custody of all three kids.
On Thursday, a New Jersey appeals court ruled that the children, who have been in foster care, should not be returned to the couple due to evidence of domestic violence in the home. The court has returned the case to family court for further reconsideration.
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Tennessee Collierville High football coach Shawn Abel stepped down from his coaching position after his profanity-laden pregame locker room speech was leaked on YouTube.