
Same Sex Penguins Get Egg of Their Own [VIDEO]
Same Sex Penguins Get Egg of Their Own [VIDEO]
Same Sex Penguins Get Egg of Their Own [VIDEO]
A same sex penguin couple in a Madrid zoo has been given an egg of their own to care for after building nests together for the past six springs without an egg! The penguins aren't really gay, more like best friends. According to the U.K.’s Telegraph, Inca and Rayas, the Gentoo penguins at Madrid’s Faunia Park, have been inseparable for six years...
Breakdancing Gorilla at The Calgary Zoo [VIDEO]
Breakdancing Gorilla at The Calgary Zoo [VIDEO]
Breakdancing Gorilla at The Calgary Zoo [VIDEO]
Apparently gorillas like to back that thang up just as much as humans do. When this male gorilla isn’t out lounging in his habitat at The Calgary Zoo, there’s nothing he likes more than do a couple of spins in the water room and shake what his mama gave him. Talk about the evolution of dance.

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