The Future of My Diabetes Management is About to Change for the Better
I was 14 years old about to enter my freshman year of high school in Lindale. It was the beginning of August and I was getting prepared for football two a days. We all had to meet at Dr. Hand's office for a physical before we could begin practice.
One of the tests showed an elevated blood sugar level. I had been feeling pretty lethargic the week prior, constantly had to go to the bathroom and was always thirsty.
My dad is a type 1 diabetic. After seeing the results of that test, and how I felt, we knew what was going on. We scheduled an appointment with my dad's doctor and it became official.
Since then, for the most part, I have manged it well. As with any type 1 diabetic, there has been some bumps in the road.
Fast forward to 2009 and I got my first interaction with an insulin pump. Wow! I loved it. My control was off the charts better compared to the vial and needle method. I was on it for about a year and a half.
As life happens, I lost my job, and with that, insurance, and I had to go back to the old school ways.
Now, I'm about to give it a shot once again. I'm gonna have to say, the advances that have been made are phenomenal. First, the pump itself. The design is sleeker and the user interface has greatly improved. The basic concept is the same, an insulin reservoir is inserted in the top of the pump and insulin is pushed in 24 hours a day with adjustments made for meals and snacks based on carbs and blood sugar readings. This is way over simplified but you get the idea.
I still have to check my blood sugar using a glucose meter. The meter will automatically send the blood sugar reading to the pump, I add up the carbs I'm eating and it calculates how much insulin I need for that meal.
I will also be able to wear a sensor that constantly monitors my blood sugar and will make small adjustments on it's own with the base insulin I'm given between meals.
Again, everything I explained is way over simplified but it all works together to give me better control of the disease and an overall better life. I go in for my official training July 8. I'm so looking forward to this new step in my life and management of one of the worst diseases out there.
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