This is How Political Arguments Should Be
First, I'm gonna start with my short rant:
I don't give a damn about your political position. And frankly, I don't trust anyone in government. I've been out on location with the station and people have tried to come up talking politics to me and I shut them down quickly because I just don't care about your stance on something.
All this yelling and protesting and losing friends and family over politics is getting ridiculous and, honestly, doesn't help. Why? Because no one is listening. Once those in office start truly working for the people then I'll change my opinion.
I still vote. I gather the facts on the candidates as best as I can and base my vote on that. Beyond that, you will never know what I stand for. My political beliefs are mine, and mine alone, and I wish more people thought like that. We'd be better off.
Now that I'm done, two guys in Fort Worth are handling this election the way it should be handled, like real adults.
Steve Mitchell is a Ted Cruz supporter. His neighbor, Michael Bond, is a Beto O'Rouke supporter.
Mitchell put up a Ted Cruz sign on the edge of his property line with his neighbor Bond. Bond retaliated by putting his own add-on to the sign. You can see it in the Facebook post below:
His quote in that post, again:
“So I put up my Ted Cruz sign on my side of the yard and my neighbor puts up his sign on his side of the yard. This is awesome and (I) wish more people would agree to disagree and not take it so personal. I have a good friend and the best neighbor anyone could ask for.”
No yelling. No screaming. No stealing signs. Just a simple disagreement on issues and they move on about their business. That's how you settle political arguments ladies and gentlemen.
You can read more on this story from the Fort Worth Star Telegram.
Now, can we stop being two year olds about this political bull crap. In the overall meaning of life, it means very little.