October is the time of year when all kinds of things begin turning pink in recognition of, and to create awareness about, breast cancer. In Tyler it is no different.

Members of the local Professional Firefighters Association (PFA) are donning pink and inviting the community to give red (donate blood) with Carter BloodCare for the annual Turn Tyler Pink cancer awareness and fundraising event.

This year’s event takes place on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at T.B. Butler Fountain Square in Downtown Tyler. The events begin with a blood drive at 4 p.m., hosted by the Tyler Professional Firefighters Association. All blood donors will receive a free Turn Tyler Pink t-shirt. Other activities get underway at 5 p.m. For information about the blood drive, or to schedule an appointment time, contact Jessica Whitehead at (903) 363-0454.

The blood drive continues until 8 p.m., even though other activities conclude at 7 p.m.
Part of the fundraising to support cancer organizations is the sale of the annual Turn Tyler Pink t-shirt. Blood donors and other attendees may purchase additional shirts, with the proceeds benefitting three organizations: the Tyler firefighters’ C.A.R.E. (Cancer Awareness and Relief Effort), the American Cancer Society and Susan G. Komen. T-shirts can be purchased at several locations, including the Carter BloodCare donor center at 815 S. Baxter in Tyler.

Visit carterbloodcare.org and click ‘give life’ to hear personal stories about lives affected by blood transfusions. Additionally, share a personal experience of your own by emailing Carter BloodCare at TellUsYourStory@carterbloodcare.org.

Remember to eat a nutritious meal and drink plenty of water at least an hour before giving blood. All donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, feel well on the day of donation, and present a government-issued photo ID each time they give blood.

Potential blood donors may volunteer beginning at age 16 with parental consent; 17-year-olds may give independently and there is no upper age limit for donating blood. For more information on donor eligibility and to make an appointment, call 1-800-366-2834 or visit carterbloodcare.org.

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