Which Trashy Reality TV Show Is Texas’ Favorite Guilty Pleasure?
It shouldn't be a shock to any one that we're spending more time, right now, binge watching TV. Curious minds over at Spruce decided to break it down by the numbers.
When they did, they learned a lot about our viewing habits; including which "trashy" TV show is our favorite.

"Trashy" is just used as an inverse-euphemism for "reality TV" in this context, which I think is more than fair. Reality TV isn't really known for being "high-brow" programming.
In the state of Texas, our favorite trashy TV show is Catfish. Part of me wonders if the numbers were inflated by people who thought it was a show about noodling.
According to Urban Dictionary, Catfishing is:
The phenomenon of internet predators that fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into emotional/romantic relationships (over a long period of time).
The show is all about finding out the true identities of the "catfish" and arranging a meeting between the two people involved.
Catfish was the top show in eight states. It tied with the show that got all of us through the early part of 2020, Netflix's Tiger King.
When it comes to the many "Real Housewives" series, the top one in the Lone Star State should be no big surprise. Of course, in Texas we prefer The Real Housewives of Dallas.
Personally, when it comes to "trash" or "trashy" TV, I like to go for the classics. Thanks to streaming services I've been able to watch my way through Married...With Children more times than I am proud to admit.
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