Welcome to autumn, fair folks of East Texas. While the weather doesn't feel like it, it's time for harvest festivals, pumpkin patches, Halloween and the best holidays of the year. Something I've always wanted to do is get lost in a haunted corn maze. I have a strong sense of adventure but a terrible sense of direction.

YesterLand Farm | Facebook
YesterLand Farm | Facebook

After a lot of asking around and online searches, YesterLand Farm in Canton appears to be the only corn maze between here and Dallas-Fort Worth - which makes it a must-go for a majority of East Texans. Also at night, this 3-acre corn maze becomes the Creepy Corn Maze.

Despite the tornado that ripped through the area earlier this year in April, Tyler Paper reported it would reopen in the fall and all has gone according to plan. The fall festival Grand Re-Opening is Saturday, September 23 and the fall activities are open every weekend (including Fridays) from now until November 5.

I wish I had a place like this to go to as a kid. Take a look at what YesterLand has to offer AND make note of their Fright Farm after dark:

  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Corn Maze
  • Amaze-ment Park
  • Saturday Night Fireworks
  • Farm Animals
  • Festival Food
  • Concerts
  • Candy Cabin
  • Oh.. did I mention Fright Farm!

The Grand Re-Opening taking place on Saturday, September 23 will honor First Responders and Military - especially for everything we've seen recently in Texas, Florida and everywhere else.

ALL first responders and military (active duty or retired) with a valid ID will receive a FREE Amazement Pass PLUS half off for up to 3 family members!

For ticket prices and more information, visit their website at YesterLandFarm.com.

And because I'm obsessed with the corn maze so much, here's a video from last year's maze at YesterLand Farm.

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