Thankful for My Early Christmas Present from Officer Russ of Tyler PD
This past weekend I learned a good lesson and was also very fortunate to not have it cost me in the wallet thanks to Officer Russ of the Tyler Police Department. While I was absolutely in the wrong it was amazing for this officer to teach me to slow down instead of writing me a ticket two weeks before Christmas.
My Saturday morning started just like normal, I normally wake up early and start thinking about what I want to get done that day. After a few minutes I decided to start my day going to Planet Fitness to get a workout in. As I was driving to get some exercise I had the radio up and not paying attention to my speed. As I approached the intersection of Loop 323 and Broadway I was going 48 MPH what I didn't realize is as we approach that intersection the speed limit drops to 40. Officer Russ was going the opposite direction but quickly activated his lights and I knew immediately I had done something wrong, although I really didn't think it was speed.
It Starts With Being Respectful
As soon as I saw the lights go on I looked for a safe place to pull over for both of us. After doing a police ride along in the past I know it's unsettling for officers to make a traffic stop just like it's uncomfortable for us. So I found a parking lot and pulled up far enough for both of us to be out of traffic. Rolled down my window and learned quickly that it was in fact my speed that caught his attention.
I Asked Officer Russ if We Could Play a Game
As soon as I was notified that I was going 48 in a 40, I apologized and I was asked to show my ID and insurance. He said he would pull up my information while I get my insurance information. I asked Officer Russ, "If I get my insurance information before he gets my info pulled up can I avoid a ticket?" He said my information was already up for him, so I already lost the game. Ugh.
But it was clear he wasn't trying to cost me hundreds of dollars or make my insurance rates go up. He said if everything comes back clear he will let me go if I agree to slow down. Within seconds everything was clear and I wished him a Merry Christmas.
To all law enforcement officers here in East Texas, thank you for what you do. Whether I would have received a well-deserved ticket or not I will always appreciate what you do for our communities and continue to back the blue.