George Strait to Read Children’s Book Today
We've always said that George Strait could read the phone book and make a number one hit. Well today, he will sit down and read a children's book on Governor Abbott's Facebook page.

It is part of Texas First Lady, Cecila Abbott, Stars of Texas Storytime she started in April. Each Tuesday and Friday at 10 a.m., special guests have stopped by Governor Abbott's Facebook for a live reading according to kvue.com.
George Strait will read Never Ask A Dinosaur To Dinner during today's (May 5) Facebook live at 10 a.m. So far guests have been Texas Longhorn, and current Washington Redskin quarterback, Colt McCoy, fashion designer Kendra Scott, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones' daughter Charlotte Jones Anderson, Texas First Daughter Audrey Abbott and Cecila Abbott.
Matthew McConaughey would be perfect for this. I think more than kids would tune in to that reading. Watch the reading at 10 a.m. today (May 5) at facebook.com/TexansForAbbott.
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