It seems like there are always videos online of people wanting to control the conversation when they interact with police, for example not wanting to hand over their identification, but is that legal here in Texas? To be honest, I’ve always found that doing what they ask is always best and I’ve never refused a request from any police officer. But let’s discuss the laws in the Lone Star State. 

Showing ID in Texas

According to Texas View, Texas is not a “stop and identify” state, meaning officers cannot require you to show identification for no reason. But there are certain situations in which you would be required to show identification. 

When Would You Be Required to Show Identification in Texas? 

There are a few reasons in which you would be required to identify yourself to Texas law enforcement that includes any situation in which you would be getting arrested. You would also be forced to identify yourself if you’re driving a vehicle in Texas or if you were found carrying a handgun. 

Punishment for Not Identifying Yourself in Texas 

If you refuse to identify yourself after being arrested that would be a Class C Misdemeanor, if you give false identification that would be a Class B Misdemeanor. Not having your license when you’re driving could result in a ticket, or a visit to the county jail or both. Not identifying yourself while carrying a handgun is a Class C Misdemeanor.  

If you’re in a vehicle and the driver is arrested, you’re not required to identify yourself. Although if you do identify yourself with false information, that could result in you being arrested. If you have a handgun with you, you’re always required to show identification when asked by law enforcement.  

Hopefully that gives you some insight into when you’re required to show identification to law enforcement in Texas. 

32 States With Laws to Take Guns From Certain People

The 2nd amendment is very important for Texans. However, it's very possible Texas could follow other states and take guns away from certain law breaking citizens.

Gallery Credit: Canva

The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

Hey, be thankful for these laws. We have enough problems as it is without worrying about uncaged bears in the backseat of our Texas vehicles.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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