IRS Launches Online Tool So Non-Filers Can Register To Receive Stimulus Checks
There's been a lot of confusion regarding just how Washington's trillion-dollar stimulus bill is going to work. Who gets a stimulus check? When will we get them? What if I didn't file taxes? There's always going to be questions, but now we have an answer to that last one. The Internal Revenue Service has launched an online tool for non-filers, or people that don't normally file taxes, to register quickly and receive stimulus checks.

Before we get too far, if you did file your taxes in 2018 or 2019, you don't need to do anything to register to receive a check.
According to the IRS website you should only use this registration tool if:
- You did not file a 2018 or 2019 federal income tax return because your gross income was under $12,200 ($24,400 for married couples). This includes people who had no income. Or
- You weren’t required to file a 2018 or 2019 federal income tax return for other reasons
You can find the IRS Non-Filers Tool by clicking here.
The IRS says NOT to use the registration if you receive:
- Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), or survivor benefits
- Railroad Retirement and Survivor Benefits
It was announced on Friday that for those that are expecting a stimulus check, there will be an IRS tool to check the payment status of your stimulus check, confirm your payment type, and to enter your bank account information for direct deposit purposes.
How to Get Your Stimulus Check Quickly and How Much You Will Get
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