It’s Almost Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown!
This time of year, our thoughts toward (hopefully) toward the many, many things we have for which to be grateful--from our health, family, friends, even the very food we eat. We also begin making preparations to spend time enjoying the Thanksgiving meal with loved ones. Heartbreakingly, many East Texans struggle with making ends meet and putting food on the table all year long. So, during a season when many of us sit down to enjoy the bounty of our blessings, it's important to remember that many of our fellow East Texans struggle and need our help.
One of my favorite organizations is the East Texas Food Bank. They are committed, all throughout the year, to doing what they can to stock their pantries in order to help feed those who need help enjoying the basic sustenance that we may take for granted.
Hosted by Brian Thure Pearson, you're invited to do your part to help the East Texas Food Bank, while celebrating with friends at the tenth annual 'Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast' at Bergfeld Park in Tyler, November 22 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The event is free and the public is invited. Enjoy treats like popcorn, toast, pretzels, jelly beans while watching the movie. The only request? Please bring a jar or two of peanut butter to donate to the East Texas Food Bank pantry. If you're interested in sponsoring the event, even better. Contact Angie Butterfield at abutterfield@easttexasfoodbank.org.
Learn more by connected with their Facebook event page here.
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