The red kettles are out.
The bells are ringing.
Volunteers are wishing you a Merry Christmas.
The angel tree is full of wishes.

Those very familiar Salvation Army red kettles are out waiting for your generous donation to be dropped off or donated digitally. Plus, the Salvation Army Angel Tree is up, and it's decorated with thousands of wishes from East Texas children and seniors.

Just this week, The Salvation Army Tyler announced it would be kicking off the annual red kettle campaign earlier than normal. Every day except Sunday, 43 kettles will be deployed to different locations throughout Tyler and Smith County, where you'll hear that single bell ring.

The Salvation Army Angel Tree is filled with wishes

Near the JC Penney entrance inside Broadway Square Mall in Tyler stands a gigantic tree, which is decorated with thousands of Christmas wishes from East Texas children and seniors.

More than 2000 wishes were received from children and seniors asking for simple and meaningful Christmas gifts this year. Captain Michelle Walker of The Salvation Army Tyler says,

The Salvation Army Angel Tree program is so important to our community. We are so grateful for the community's support to make Christmas joy a reality for these angels!"

Select An Angel And Fulfill That Christmas Wish

To make Christmas wishes for these angels come true, simply stop by the Angel Tree at Broadway Square Mall, select one or several angels, and shop for them.

Once you have shopped for them you simply return to the tree with the gifts.

The Salvation Army will handle the delivery of the gifts and without a doubt you'll put a smile on a child or senior's face this Christmas.

The Red Kettle Campaign Goal

The Salvation Army Tyler has a local goal of $389,000. This goal is attainable. We all just need to pitch in and they'll get there.

Supporting is easy - give via the kettle or scan the QR code displayed and make a donation digitally.

Volunteers Are Needed

More than 12,000 volunteer hours will be needed to cover the 43 locations. You may register to become a bell ringer by visiting and signing up online at Register To Ring.

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