Man Dismounts Motorcycle to Help Amputee Cross Busy Longview Intersection
Chelsea Peurifoy was driving through Longview over the weekend when she witnessed an act of kindness that really struck a chord with her. And so, right there in the busy Longview intersection, she grabbed her phone and recorded it.
You guys know the intersection at Loop 281 and 4th, right? By the giant Walmart Super Center, it's a mess. Is it just me or does it seem like no matter the time of day, you're always going to be stuck at that light?
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" - Aesop
So, while Chelsea waited her turn at the extra-long-red-light, she witnessed a man jump off of his motorcycle, leaving it on the kickstand right there at the intersection, to help another man.
After posting the touching video to Tiktok, Peurifoy set out on a mission to find the good Samaritan, and thanks to social media the hunt didn't take long. Her search began that morning and by that evening she found him. "WE FOUND HIM! His name is: Cody Golden Acker! Y’all give this man some love!!!!!!!! Whoever wants to help me put together a gift basket please message me!!!! I will present it to him next week!!!!!!!!! It would be so amazing to get the community to show their support!!!! #lovelocal #longviewtexas #longviewtx #harleydavidson #helpingothers #easttexas"
I reached out to Chelsea in the hopes of adding more details to this story, and she explained why she decided to video and share this kind act:
I was just so moved… When I saw someone stopping traffic because someone needed help! I swear you don’t see that stuff much these days… I got it out to record it so that we could honor the heroes whether big or small - Chelsea Peurifoy
And hey, who knows, maybe this video will inspire you or someone else to perform just a single act of kindness. And who knows where that may lead.