Of the 55 Hate Groups in the Lone Star State, There Are Three in East Texas
With all of the hate, violence and anger being spewed out onto the Internet in the past few days, it makes me wonder just how many people are fueled by 'hate'. At a quick glance, most cities don't feel like there's a hate group in town, but that's definitely not always the case. Even in East Texas, we have a couple Ku Klux Klan divisions - one in Flint and another in Gladewater.
The Southern Poverty Law Center published a 'hate map' indicating where all hate groups are found in the United States - black, white, Christian, non-Christian - it doesn't matter because hate is hate and some of us want to know who's really out there.
Click2Houston posted all 55 hate groups found in Texas and their locations. Hate groups range from Neo-Nazis to black separatists. In East Texas, you'll find:
- Patriotic Brigae Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Gladewater
- Militant Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Flint
- Texas Rebel Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Qunlan
The findings are based on hate group publications, websites law enforcement reports and news.
Other notable, sad stats to consider:
- There are 917 active hate groups in this country
- Houston has 10 hate groups alone
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