Pick Your Favorite Songs for the KNUE Top 5 at 5
Choose your Top 5 favorite songs from the list below. The top five vote-getters each weekday will be played at 5. So, be sure and listen on your radio, right here on KNUE.com or through the new KNUE app, because we could be playing your favorite song. What will we play today? That's for you to decide. Just vote for your favorite songs from the list below and we'll tally up the top five just before 5.
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This Week's Top 5 at 5: Vote for Your 5 Songs
Top 14 Ways to Annoy a Friendly East Texan
Most of the time we are a fairly laid back people, but there are, without a doubt, a few ways to get us fired up. Here are The Top 14 Ways To Annoy a Friendly East Texan Today.
Pictures of the Deliciousness at Three Bees Milkshake Bar in Longview
Here is a variety of pictures of what you can get when visiting Three Bees Milkshake Bar in Longview.
Top 10: These Are Texas' Most Expensive High School Football Stadiums
There's a reason every good high school football movie is based in Texas. Here in the Lone Star State Friday nights are revered and our young men in football pads exalted to legends in their hometowns. In fact as of last year, Texas is only second to Florida (by two players) as the state with the most players in the NFL.