Rangers’ Elvis Andrus Walk Up Music to be Baby Shark
Ahh, Baby Shark, the song that has become the worse earworm for any parent. Even non parents roll their eyes when the subject comes up. But the upcoming baseball season will be filled with the tune for Texas Rangers fans.
Why? Well, Rangers shortstop, Elvis Andrus, has chosen the song to be his walk up music this season according to sportsday.dallasnews.com. As eye rolling and groan inducing as this announcement may be, he has a great reason for choosing the song.
"It reminds me of my son and gets me where I want to be for an at-bat. You will get used to it. I did," Andrus explained.
A reporter asked Elvis if maybe this was also meant to irritate the opposing pitcher. "That would be nice...," he replied.
He's got a great reason for his choice and I believe we can all be happy with the decision. The kids in the stands will love it for sure.
He does change his walk up music during the season so this may or may not be a permanent thing for Elvis.
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