The Best Looking Cruiser Contest – Vote for Your State or Just Vote for Texas
Where you at Texas?
There is currently a nationwide contest being held by the American Association of State Troopers for the best looking police cruiser by state. It started on Friday and already has thousands upon thousands of votes. But I have to say, Texas is not even in the top 20 at the time I am writing this (Monday, August 7).
Look, no one likes the way a police vehicle looks when it's in your rear view mirror, but some of these cruisers are beautiful looking - plus it looks like a lot of them are staged.
Texas has about 2,700 votes, which is definitely not in the top 20 but isn't feeling the humiliation of not hitting 1,000 (I'm looking at you Indiana, Nevada, Oklahoma and Utah).
The current top 5 as of Monday, August 7 is:
- Georgia - 19K
- West Virginia - 15K
- Tennessee - 12K
- Alabama - 9K
- Kentucky - 7.2K
Go to their Facebook page and vote for your favorite cruiser - or just vote for Texas, actually. You cast your vote simply by 'liking' the photo. The contest ends 4 pm CST on August 14, 2017.
I'll admit, I think the Texas DPS Charger is way more slick looking than their SUV, but I guess we do need to show that we're bigger on the roads too.
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