This Taco Bicycle is the Greatest Invention of all Time
Oh. My. Gawd. Just watch and let your tummy rumble.
There's a bicycle with a built-in grill and and chef is serving tacos from it. There are not enough smiling emojis to accurately display my happiness.
That, and my stomach is super mad at me for the taco tease.
This was created with the help of Cazadores Tequila for a pop up called Bodega Bites.
I had to do some searching but it looks like the base is in California. Some Facebook events I found had it traveling to Atlanta, Georgia and, just last month, was in Austin for a Hurricane Harvey fundraiser.
This needs to be in East Texas. It would probably be the only time you'd be excited to see a grown man pull up on a bicycle.
Now I'm gonna have to find Curbside Taco for lunch today.