Trick-Or-Treating Safety Tips For East Texas Kids
Ah, trick-or-treating. It's one of your child's favorite things ever. Imagine, an evening where you are literally expected to walk up to doors and ask for free candy. Heck, I'm considering sending letters to ask why adults can't trick-or-treat, too. Kidding, kidding. Sort of. ;)
Seriously, though--as fun as it can be, there's some hazard in walking around, especially in the dark, with costumes that can obstruct vision and mobility. This is especially true in more traffic-heavy areas. Here are a few helpful tips and reminders that can keep your kiddo safe on one of the happiest nights of the year:
- Make sure the costume your child is wearing is a proper size for them. We don't want our little princesses, ghosts, and goblins tripping over a costume that's not hemmed properly.
- Not only would this add an element of safety, but giving your kids glow sticks or even a little flashlight will help them see their way more clearly. More light will help drivers see them, too.
- Another way to add visibility? Add a little flare to your kid's costume with fun reflective stickers or even tape.
- As tempting as it is to jaywalk on Halloween, when on a busier street, take the few extra moments to cross at crosswalks and traffic signals.
- Speaking of crossing the street--no matter where you cross, talk with your kids ahead of time about never darting out into the street, especially between parked cars. Not only is their view obstructed, but drivers will be caught off guard.
- Be careful with those electronic devices. When the sun is setting or it is dark, it's important to keep those heads up and alert!
- If possible, consider doing face paint or makeup rather than those bulky masks. As fun as they can be, they can certainly obstruct your child's vision.
What other safety tips would you add to this list?