Texas Dog Food Company President Ate their Dog Food for 30 Days
If you're a business owner, it's always good to have confidence in your products. But sometimes, that confidence can go to far. Take for instance Mitch Felderhoff, he is the president of Muenster Milling Company in Muenster, Texas. His company makes dog food. He decided that he needed to eat his company's dog food for thirty days to prove his food was good enough for your pooch according to star-telegram.com.
So what did he have to choose from? Well, he got to choose between chicken and pork, salmon, elk patties and more. His reasoning for doing this, "We're not gonna feed your dog something unless we've eaten it first."
He documented his thirty days with videos on the company's Youtube channel.
Felderhoff made it through the thirty days eating nothing but his company's dog food. He also said that he lost about thirty pounds doing it.
What did Mitch eat when he was done with dog food? Brisket nachos and stuffed jalapeno peppers. Good choice, Mitch, good choice.
He even talked to KLTV's East Texas Now about his dog food adventure.
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