Tyler, TX Pastor & Son Ordered To Pay Money Back To Their Victims
Last Year, We Reported On The Story Of A Tyler Pastor And Former Football Coach Who Plead Guilty To Theft Charges For Stealing From An Elderly Couple Who Attended His Church And Later His Son Was Arrested On Those Same Charges.

Rev. Jerome Rocky Milton of the Open Door Bible Church has been released from jail after serving 180 days for the crime he plead guilty to but now him and his son will have to pay restitution to their victims.
Milton gained power of attorney over an elderly couple's finances and continuously used their money on his own behalf.
According to the original story, Milton admitted to taking money from congregation members, Wayford and Marilyn Brown, using multiple check withdrawals and ATM transactions while he was serving as their power of attorney and finances then using the funds for personal purchases including car payments and hotel rooms.
The Victims Allege The Pastor Stole More Than $60,000.
Milton, who has completed his jail sentence and was reportedly released on Tuesday, will now have to serve 10 years of probation with 500 hours of community service. On Tuesday (Feb. 7th) a Smith County Judge ordered Milton to pay $30,000 in restitution to the family he stole from, as well as $40,000 in restitution to his church. The Smith County District Attorney’s Office requested that the family be paid first, then the church.
His Son, Jerome Anthony Milton Was Also Ordered To Pay Restitution.
Jerome Anthony Milton pleaded guilty in October 2022 to a charge of credit/debit card abuse against an elderly individual after he was implicated by his father who told investigators that he would send his son to use the same bed-ridden elderly couple’s cards at an ATM machine to make withdrawals. The judge ordered him to pay back $1,000 in restitution to the victims.
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