Why These Arp Police Officers Are Heroes to This Texas Mother and Son
You know what's actually worth going viral these days? Police officers patiently learning how to handle an autistic child and ultimately buying the boy a t-shirt he wanted - the initial reason for his fit.
A woman from Arp, Texas, reported by Tyler Morning Telegraph, shared a touching story on Facebook last week that now has nearly 130,000 shares and 395,000 reactions. Here's a quick synopsis of what she wrote. You can also read her full account on her post in the photo above.
Sherry Hillard shared her story, which starts like this:
In the last week I've had 6 police officers in my home because my sons meltdowns turned to rage. With so much negativity shown towards law enforcement lately, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to show my appreciation for the empathy these officers had for my son. They showed up not knowing much about autism but they listened and learned while they kept us all safe.
She continues to praise the officers for asking "A LOT" of questions do they wouldn't do the wrong thing. On the most recent visit from the Arp police, her son John was angry he couldn't dress like a character from TV show 'Blue Clues', except his mom can't find that shirt anywhere.
After the police calmed John down, they went and bought a blue shirt and attempted to create the shirt John wanted. You can see the officers working on their arts and crafts project on the hood of their vehicle.
That's what this pic is, 3 officers going above and beyond to help a severely autistic teenage boy! Sadly, it didn't work, but the fact that they were willing to do this for my son made them hero's in my eyes.
This is amazing, creative and honestly gave me the warm and fuzzies the entire time I wrote this. Thank you to Arp PD and all officers who educate themselves to do the right thing, while trying to make a Texas boys day a little brighter.
Oh and by the way... with the help of Cutting Edge Designs in Arp, he got his shirt.
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