Breakfast always seems so out-of-reach on busy mornings, but there's no need to go hungry anymore!

If you're anything like me, you consistently find yourself running around frantically to get to work on time in the mornings. Luckily, I've found some breakfast options that require only a tiny bit of my morning and help me make it to work on time!

It's important to get at least a few food groups in your breakfast, which may make it seem like breakfast is too time consuming, but I promise it's not!

My preferred breakfast is eggs (scrambled or fried) and toast. Grab a glass of juice along with that and toss in a few chopped veggies in the eggs, and you've got a full meal! The best part is that the meal takes less than five minutes to make - eggs take maybe 3 minutes to cook (for extra time, have veggies pre-chopped), the toast can be made while the eggs are cooking and it takes about 10 seconds to pour a glass of juice. Can you really beat that? And another bonus of making eggs is that you can scramble them in the microwave (just use a mug!).

Smoothies are another fantastic breakfast option because you can put so much in them. I'm partial to peanut butter, cocoa and strawberries in mine - which, when you add milk into the blender for consistency, you're getting three food groups in one cup! Plus, if you're really into smoothies, you can add veggies too and get another serving checked off!

Need a quicker, more on-the-go option? Try a whole grain waffle with peanut butter spread on top of it and grab a few raisins or grapes to go along with it! These are perfect for eating on your way to work because they're essentially no mess!

Or why not try a yogurt cup with some granola, nuts and fruit in it? Also perfect for eating en route to work or for a mid-morning snack! Yogurt provides endless combinations too because you can always add different toppings or switch up the flavor of yogurt. You can even substitute yogurt for milk in your cereal for a different taste!

When all else fails and you are running out of time, grab an apple and string cheese or some nuts. Apples will help wake you up, much like coffee, and with the string cheese or nuts you'll get another food group in too!

You'll be surprised what a great breakfast you can grab in less than 5 minutes, and the best part is, you can still make it to work on time!

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