Canton’s First Monday Trade Days is Open this Weekend
The COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world's largest flea market in April for the first time in the event's 170 year history. It opened back up in July with some restrictions and will be open this weekend with the same restrictions.
The August heat will not keep down Canton's First Monday Trade Days. You'll be able to peruse the many vendors this weekend with the same restrictions as last month, stay as socially distanced as possible and wear a mask.
Canton Mayor Lou Ann Everett told KLTV,
As far as we know, we have had no reported cases of COVID from any of our vendors or any of our city staff who was working.
Naturally, if you’re going into a crowd or a store that, even though its considered an open air market, there are places where you might be a little tight, put your mask on.
I have no problem with vendors asking people to put a mask on; by this time, everyone should know about it.
If you’re really, really concerned, don’t come. It’s a personal choice. But if you’re gonna come, bring your mask, bring your hand sanitizer or use ours and enjoy yourself. Use common sense.
Mayor Everett also said that August is on of the smaller markets of year anyway due to the heat so it may be easier to stay socially distant this weekend. But get out to First Monday Trade Days this weekend and see what hidden treasure you could take home.