Daring New Texas Law Will Fine Guilty DUI Felons On Behalf Of Victims
Beginning on September 1st, 2023, there is a new law that was just signed by Governor Greg Abbott, and will require DUI offenders to pay child support to any child(ren) that loses their parent or guardian in an alcohol related accident in Texas. To put it plainly, if you are responsible for anyone underage in the Killeen-Temple area or state wide losing their care giver, you will be financially responsible for that minor.
The guidelines of Bill HB-393, cover most potential scenarios that occur after a DUI Manslaughter conviction. The loss of a loved one can never really be painted with a financial picture, but something has to be done to care for the orphan(s) created because of reckless behavior.
The biggest focal point of this new bill will require the guilty party to make child support payments to the victim(s) until they finish high school or turn 18, whichever occurs later. If they haven't finished high school by 19, then the payments would end then.

How will the guilty party make child support payments if they are in jail?
That is one of the potential scenarios that the bill specifically addresses. If the person responsible for the DUI fatality is serving time, they will essentially be on a deferred payment plan. Once they are released, payments must begin within one year of being freed.
Also, payments will continue until all financial responsibility has been made whole. Even if the surviving victim has finished high school or turned 19, the responsible party will have to cover the full financial obligation for years missed due to being incarcerated.
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