First things first. It is neither dead nor dirty. Secondly if it is still up there, remember that there is no need to make a call about it. KPD was fully aware of the situation.

It was about two years ago that the story of the dead vulture hanging from the oil derrick in Sesquicentennial Plaza began making the rounds. At the time, according to Kilgore Police Department, the plan was to keep the vulture there for the foreseeable future.

I love visiting Kilgore. Unfortunately, I haven't driven through recently, but has anyone who has noticed if the stuffed vulture is still there?

Obviously, at the time, folks were quite aware of it. So much so that a social media post from the KPD was required to address it.

The post asking residents NOT TO CALL if they notice that "dead" vulture hanging on the derrick next to the police department and Central Fire Station went semi-viral. It turns out it was all a part of what had been dubbed "Operation Buzzard."

"We've had a colony of buzzards living with us for years. At times, they've caused issues getting into our electrical lines. So, the city has placed a dead vulture effigy on the derrick today as an attempt to deter vultures from roosting, gathering or whatever they may be doing."

So, did the rubber buzzard work? Is the faux vulture still there scaring away real ones? Did it cause any new perhaps more humorous issues downtown? I've got so many questions.

If you've got the answers, please let me know. I'm dying over here.

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