Elysian Fields ISD Bus Drivers, Admins Go Above And Beyond For Students During COVID-19 Outbreak
There are a lot of serious headlines today everywhere you look. The coronavirus (COVID-19) and the response to it is important now across the country and the world. But sometimes, it's hard to get lost in all of the news and forget that there's a lot of positivity still happening in the world. The folks in Elysian Fields are doing just that.

Elysian Fields ISD parent Britni Ansley reached out to me today to share how the administration, teachers, and bus drivers are doing great things for the students they miss so much. She didn't want them to go unnoticed.
Deep in the piney woods of East Texas, Elysian Fields bus drivers are driving their normal routes every Tuesday and Thursday to deliver lunch and homework packets to students throughout the district. How cool is that?
Many school districts in our area are stepping up to provide lunches for students in East Texas, and we still appreciate all that they're doing during this uncertain time. Here's just one more headline to make us all smile as we get through this.
"What a blessing it is to have our teachers, drivers and administration pull together for our families!" Ansley said.
We couldn't agree more.
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