If you have a graduating high school senior, this is GREAT information that you need to share with them for an opportunity to continue their education courtesy of Mickey D's.
At Chandler Elementary School in Kilgore, Texas there's more than learning going - some fun and bonding with the students is happening too. It's pretty safe to say that Principal Lindley and Assistant Principal Collins have a good relationship with their students.
Its great to see our East Texas schools looking out for these folks to help them get to where they need to be and we salute Kilgore College for taking on the task!
The last thing a 7-year old needs is to lug around a 20-pound backpack all day, and doctors are warning that a school backpack can lead to life-long problems if it's too heavy. Are Tyler school supply lists going to cause any issues?
Jarvis Christian College (JCC) will provide a more affordable and flexible pathway to higher education for students and families by dropping tuition and fees.
The list of colleges that will require students to be vaccinated before August is growing by the day, but so far there are only four Texas schools on it.