GREAT Job by This Dollar General Employee in Longview, TX Inspires Praise
It seems that when people speak out online, quite often their comments tend to be negative. And honestly, some things need to be ranted about…so we GET IT.
At the same time, that means when someone goes out of their way to give a positive shoutout, that person must’ve made a really good impression.
Allow me an example: A woman named Tierzah Smith recently posted in an online social media group about a young woman named Cheyenne who works at the Dollar General on Judson Road in Longview, Texas.
Apparently, it got extremely busy at one point and this young employee had a line of around 10 people. In an effort to expedite the process and help the people get out of the store with their purchases more quickly, this young woman decided to run TWO registers on her own so that people wouldn’t have to wait for so long. This is the kind of young woman who definitely deserves a raise.
Shout out to her and ALSO to the lady who took a moment to share this positive feedback online in a world that tends to be so very negative.
On top of that, reading the comments on the post was even more encouraging and gives us more insight into the situation. According to those who commented on the original post, the air conditioner has been out in this particular Dollar General location. On top of that, they said this store is short-staffed like so many other places in East Texas. But yet STILL this employee did all she could to help customers when it would've been so easy to complain.

I hope this young woman gets a boost from hearing this positive feedback. I believe this is a good reminder to all of us: We never know how much the extra effort we put in is appreciated--even if we don't always have the gift of hearing about it.
And also, we can never underestimate the power of an uplifting word for those with whom we come in contact. It may be the very thing that changes their entire day--or even month--for the better.
Have you recently come into contact with an employee or anyone whose hard work or kindness deserves a sincere shoutout? If so, I'd love to hear from you: tara.holley@townsquaremedia.com.
Keep being excellent to each other, friends. That's how we do it in East Texas.
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