Help Kids Get the School Supplies They Need During #schooliscool
The annual #schooliscool back to school event is back to get kids ready for the 2021-2022 school year. This year's event will be at a different location because of construction but will still be able to supply thousands of East Texas kids with the pens, pencils, paper and whatever else they need for the upcoming year.

Yes, Summer has just started but this would be the perfect time to take a moment to help kids in East Texas get the numerous school supplies that will be needed for the upcoming school year. #schooliscool is August 5 at Fun Forest Park in Tyler. It is being moved from it's usual location of Harvey Convention Center because of ongoing construction of the new Rose City Complex.
As in year's past, backpacks will be handed out to students in need of school supplies. There is a goal this year to hand out 2,000 backpacks to kids in grades pre-K through 12th grade.
It takes generous donations of school supplies from you to make this event possible. School supplies needed are:
- Glue Sticks
- Bottled Glue
- Facial Tissues
- 12 Count Colored Pencils
- 24 Count Crayons
- Child's Scissors
- Notebook Paper
- 3x5 Index Cards
- Spiral Notebook
- Composition Book
- Highlighter
- Ruler
- Red, Blue and/or Black Pens
- #2 Pencils
- Pencil Sharpener
- Eraser
- Dry Erase Markers
- Pocket Folder with Brads
You can also give a monetary donation that will be used to purchase supplies. A single donation of $30 will provide one backpack of supplies to a child. Sponsorships are also available.
You can mail check donation to 315 N. Broadway Ave., Tyler, 75702, payable to the Tyler Area Business Education Council or donate online at eventbrite.com. For more details or to become a sponsor, go to schooliscooltyler.com or call LaToya Young at (903) 592-1661 ext. 252 or LYoung@TylerTexas.com.
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