Just In Time For Easter – Deep Fried Cadbury Eggs
We Texans are proud of the fact that we can pretty much fry up anything....pickles, twinkies, even margaritas.
Just give us the food item and we'll batter it up.
Well, I guess we might wanna give a guy in England a certificate making him an honorary Texan after his new creation-- deep-fried Cadbury Eggs.
Yup, the Easter chocolate treat that's full of creamy goodness has now been southern fried.
According to the Daily Mail, restaurant owner Martyn Bilby decided to give it a try and says its delicious...and only 350 calories per egg.
Bilby even encourages you to try it at home, although he says they're best fresh out of the fryer.
...oops, gotta go, just got a call from my heart doctor.
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