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With March Madness being canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic it brings us to an unusual problem and that is having an overstock of chicken wings.

According to UPI, since the cancelation the meat industry is having a hard time selling the wings.

In Chicago, Stan Neva the owner of Northwest Meat Company who supplies the restaurants, hotels and clubs talked about the hardship.

The wing business is totally in the gutter. They only way we’re selling wings is for curbside to-go. We have one pizza place in town that does carry-out and ordered some wings. But that’s been it. We probably lost 30 or 40 sports bars.

With sporting events like the Super Bowl, and March Madness chicken wings are usually in high demand, but since the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing it caused people not to attend large gatherings which is bad for business.

The NCAA Men's and Women's tournaments were canceled last month (March 12th) and during that time local government officials from various states shut down restaurant dining as consumers went grocery shopping focused on the necessities like bread, eggs, and potatoes.

The only options now is for chicken wings to be sold in grocery stores, but the issue remains the same.  However, with the price dropping to $1.25 per pound that might change a few minds.

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