The madness has started already here in Texas as over the weekend I saw stores that already have their Halloween decorations out for customers to start buying. Obviously, I had to check out one of the bags of candy, and after a couple pieces I was starting to get excited about the spooky holiday. If you’re like my wife and absolutely love Halloween, let’s discuss costume options that just make sense in Texas. 

Texas Halloween Costumes

Texas is a state where you’re allowed to do or be whatever you want, if you’re not intruding on another person. The possibilities are endless when it comes to Halloween costumes but if you are trying to be something unique to Texas there are still lots of options to choose from. We have a list of some great Halloween costume suggestions below that just make sense in Texas but remember you can always take one of the ideas below and add extras to make it even better. Halloween is only once per year, have as much fun as possible.  

Halloween in on a Thursday in 2024 

As I look at the calendar for October, I see that Halloween will fall on a Thursday this year, which makes me wonder if most adult parties will be happening on the day after Halloween? Regardless, make sure you have a designated driver if you’re planning on going out. 

Let’s Look at Some Texas Halloween Costume Ideas 

If you’re not sure what you want to dress up as for Halloween this year, we have some creative Texas themed costumes that you might love.  

Halloween Costumes That are Totally Texas

If you need help coming up with a Halloween costume idea, we have some Texas themed suggestions for you.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Favorite Halloween Costumes for 2022

According to, these are the most popular costumes for pets, kids and adults for two thousand and twenty two.

Gallery Credit:

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