Tyler Bicyclists Rejoice! Your own Lanes Coming Soon
Right now, if you travel down Donnybrook Ave. or Sunnybrook Ave. in Tyler, you see special lanes that are designated for the many bicyclists of the city. Pretty soon, there will miles and miles of more bicycle lanes. Construction started today (April 5) and will continue for the next four months.

This is pretty cool. I haven't owned a bicycle in a long time. With this addition to Tyler, I may have to get one again. It certainly could help get rid of the couple of spare tires I have around my waistline.
But I digress.
By the middle of August, weather permitting, there will be thirty six miles of bicycle and shared lanes across the city. It will add to the safety of the many bicyclists in the city. There will be eleven "spokes" of the city's bicycle lanes starting from downtown Tyler. You can find the route of each lane at cityoftyler.org. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with where these lanes will be for both the bicyclist and the driver.
The other good thing about these new transportation lanes is that it didn't cost the city a whole lot. Eighty percent of the funds were provided by a grant from the Transportation Alternative Set-Aside (TASA) Program or $544,541 while the city pays $108,908 which came from the Half Cent Sales Tax Program.
Good news for the bicyclists of Tyler. Just a reminder, while this project is underway, be on the lookout for the workers who will be installing the signs and lanes. Slow down in the work areas to keep yourself out of trouble and those workers safe.
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