Tyler Ranks as Second Safest City to Retire
Retirement may seem like a long way off, but these statistics may have you planning to stay in the Rose City.
According to SecurityChoice.com, the only city to outrank Tyler was Venice, Florida. It's not surprising that Florida has three cities in the top ten, but I was surprised to find cities with a more wintry climate near the top of the list. Two cities in Michigan were included in the top five, and two more rounded out the top ten.
After analyzing 495 cities or major metro areas in the United States, SecurityChoice.com, created their list. Using 2010 Census Data, FBI City Crime Data in 2016, Average Retirement Age in State, and States with Best Elder Abuse Protection Laws, to determine their rankings.
In digging into the source material for this study, I found that Tyler is the first Certified Retirement City in Texas, according to RetireTyler.com.
After reviewing the material. Will you consider staying in Tyler to retire?