We Play the Original Nintendo Entertainment System
A couple of months ago, I got a call from my mom and dad saying they had found some stuff of mine at their house and asked if I wanted it. Naturally I said yes. Plus, I was curious what they had found.
I met my dad after he got off work and picked a box of old toys I had kept from my days working at Burger King in the 90's. But then, my dad handed me a second box. Inside was mine and my sister's Nintendo Entertainment System.
Needless to say, I was geeking out.
I get home and plug it in and it still works! I could only get one game to work, though. I searched Youtube and found several videos on how to get it working again.
Well, after some cleaning and ordering a tool and one part, it is fully working.
I needed to open the unit itself and replace the 72 pin connector. This is the piece that the games plug into inside the system. This is the old one.
I also needed a special screwdriver to open the games and clean their connectors.
This is what a game looks like after it's open.
I found the 72 pin connector for $11 and screwdriver set for $6 on Amazon. And used Brasso ($3 at Walmart) to clean the brass looking connectors on the games.
Now, as seen above, is time to share the joy of my Friday nights in school. And yes, I will share with my sister. I've grown up...some.