East Texas Cajuns Still Celebrate ‘Belt On The Shelf’ Not ‘Elf On The Shelf’
With Santa's anticipated arrival next week, many East Texas children are dreaming about getting what they've asked the big guy for as a reward for the good behavior that they've exhibited all year.
Now many kids around here have been extremely good the past few weeks since the arrival of the Christmas tree and most likely of The Elf On The Shelf too. If you're not familiar with him, The Elf On The Shelf is a little elf dressed in red who reports back to Santa each night to inform him on how the kids behaved that day. He tells Santa if they belong on the nice or naughty list so he can make a decision when it comes to delivering presents on Christmas. Upon the elf's return to the home, the little guy has some fun with the family each night too by doing something chaotic and out of the ordinary.
So what the heck is 'The Belt On The Shelf'?
I discovered a video on YouTube that talks about a Cajun tradition that replaces The Elf On The Shelf with The Belt On The Shelf. I am pretty sure you don't have to be Cajun to understand the premise of this powerful item. The Belt On The Shelf is something that is displayed year-round and should stay out of reach of your Pawpaw, Momma, or aunts' reach. But if that belt moves, you know there's going to be trouble.
The big difference between The Elf and The Belt On The Shelf.
The belt is out all year long and it is not supposed to move, but if it does move there's going to be trouble. The elf is here for a short while and he moves and creates chaos in the house sometimes.
I know that times have changed and attitudes on corporal punishment have changed drastically, but as an adult, I can relate to this 'Cajun' tradition 100%. After watching the video with some co-workers here in the station, it seems we all have had some kind of experience with 'The Belt On The Shelf' at some time after talking about this video.
Let's just hope that the elf is the only thing being displayed on the shelf now.
Now as far as some chaos that has been created in my home over the past few years thanks to our elf Fisbee, you can see everything he's gotten into and done in the gallery below.