Kilgore Has Huge Plans to Rejuvenate Their Historic Downtown Main Street
It's a favorite daytrip for many East Texans, and beloved by Kilgore residents. Kilgore's Main Street has been the main entry into the historic downtown area since the 1940's.
But as with everything on earth, over time streets, as well as utilities, become outdated and in need of rejuvenation. Also, they'd like to create an even more attractive entry into the Main Street area. And so, the City of Kilgore and Kilgore Main Street are embarking on a restoration project spanning several years.
Oh but how lovely it will be.
So what do they have planned? Thanks to the Kilgore Main Street Facebook page, we are able to get an overview of all of the projects in the works. Here's what we know about the plans and the corresponding timeline for each of those:

The engineering and designing of the project began in 2019. Once that phase was complete, they were able to project the cost of the project to be around $2.3 million and will take a couple of years to finish.
So what's next?
This month (May 2021), they've been focused Phase 1--removing all of the existent asphalt. As we move into June through August, they'll enter Phase 2. This phase includes "the inspection of the concrete base and completion of all designs.
Mid-August through June of 2022 is Phase 3--this one's a biggie. During this time, they'll be focused on the replacement of their drains--water, storm, and sewer.
Phase 4 will be the focus come July 22 through February 2023. During this phase, they'll be builder wider sidewalks for pedestrians, as well as building new curbs and driveways.
Phase 5 overlaps a bit with Phase 4. This will include subsequent improvements and pavement repairs needed. The timeline for this phase is January 2022 through May 2023.
Other important things for Kilgore residents and visitors alike to keep in mind:
There will always be access to the businesses affected by this project and every effort will be made to maintain two-way traffic when possible. They do ask that travelers have patience and practice caution and look for signs and detours, as the roads are likely to be a bit rough during certain parts of the project.
I can't wait to see the results! Kudos to Kilgore for embarking on such an ambitious endeavor to make Kilgore's Main Street even better than it already is!
You can learn more about the project by connecting with them here.
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