We are well aware of the issue that wild hogs cause folks in Texas and all across East Texas, especially in rural areas. They get into our yards and tear everything up or, in rare instances, try to attack someone. Yes, they can be that aggressive. It's better to just take them down to stock up on bacon. That problem is in the spotlight again as wild hogs are now invading South Padre causing major issues with endangered wildlife on the island.

My Own Experience With Wild Hogs

Most people in East Texas have had their own experience with wild hogs, myself included. Short story but many years ago coming to work from Lindale, I saw a hog running up an embankment to my left. As I turn my head back to the road, BAM!, I hit his buddy. My little Chevy S-10 wouldn't accelerate so I was afraid that it had done some major damage to my vehicle.

I pull over into the next driveway to get out and inspect the damage. The hog had gotten caught under my driver side front wheel and I had drug him for a few yards. He was still alive, too, so I quickly hopped back in my truck and drove away. There was some body damage to the front bumper and front grill but nothing more.

I'll Never Forget That Early Morning

Wild hogs are becoming a problem on South Padre (mysanantonio.com). Their population is increasing to the point that they are showing up on the beach, as seen in the picture from Padre Island National Seashore:

Wild Hog on Beach - Padre Island National Seashore
Wild Hog on Beach - Padre Island National Seashore

Not only are they the usual menace we know, they also will find and dig up endangered sea turtle eggs to eat. There is a plan in place to remove these nuisances from the beach, along with nilgai antelope, which have been increasing in population in South Texas over the last several years.

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